Charismatic, popular grille type. Provides a number of variations of the design...
Ceiling turbulent diffusers
Ceiling grille TCA
Swirling grille TKC
Fully machine-made, elegant, minimalistic grille. Available in square dimmensions...
Ceiling swirling diffusor - TPB
ТРВ - Таванна решетка вентилна.
Swirl diffusor TT
Classic long-throw swirl diffusor suitable for installation in high height premises with factory positioned flaps...
Swirl diffusor CT-P
Classic long-throw swirl diffusor suitable for installation in high height premises with manually adjustable flaps...
Circular diffusers with adjustable fins by electric actuator СТ-E
Innovative long-throw grilles for installation in high height premises with automatic adjustment of the blade position by means of an electric actuator ...
Swirl diffusor CT-T
Innovative long-throw swirl diffusor suitable for installation in high height premises with automatically adjustible flaps utilizing temperature-responding cartridge. No power supply required to operate...
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GRILLES Catalog6.14 mb